Getting crash using chinese characters

I need to print labels containing chinese characters.

I followed and I can get things to work in iReports and it's export to pdf facility and it comes out as it should, ie and if I look in the PDF properties for this pdf file, I see which is what I would expect (the ArialUnicodeMS is the font specified for the text element containing the chinese characters).

However, when I print in OPV I get the crash shown below. As per the above reference I have exported the ArialUnicodeMS font to a jar, and I have included included a reference to this as per the snippet below

and I also put a copy of the arialUnicodeMS.jar in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\openvpms\WEB-INF\lib

Any ideas as to what is going wrong and how I correct it.

Regards, Tim G

<message>Failed to generate report: Could not load the following font :
pdfFontName : Helvetica
pdfEncoding : Identity-H
isPdfEmbedded : true</message>
<message>Failed to generate report: Could not load the following font :
pdfFontName : Helvetica
pdfEncoding : Identity-H
isPdfEmbedded : true</message>


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Re: Getting crash using chinese characters

I use custom fonts as well what fonts are in the arialUnicode.jar

Is Helvitica in that package if not does a version of ireports loaded on the server have access to it, my Windows 7 machine does NOT have it present.

The error has far as I can see is that Helvitica is not present.

Re: Getting crash using chinese characters

Ben - THANK YOU - installing any crap helvitica font solved the problem on my Win7 Laptop. [Which is caused by JR putting in an empty stub at the beginning of the PDF which calls for Helvitica.]

So the rule is - if you use custom fonts, make sure that a helvitica font is available on the server machine.

However, my Win2003 server is still having the problem so I need to play with that some more.

Regards, Tim G

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