Help with duplicate copies of records

Hi users,

We are new to the software and have quite a bit of trouble with odd happenings. One that occurs sporadically is that multiple copies of the records and invoice are recorded each with a separate visit. It is usually animals which have been added to worklists and sometimes there are further invoice items on more recent copies/visits with a full copy of the previous history from the same day and all invoice items previously billed.

It comes in clusters, 3 clients yesterday so I assume there is a simple mistake being made by the vet or reception. I cannot get it to happen on the trial system no matter what I do and it has never happened to a patient I have personally billed.

Also is this correct forum for seeking advice from more experienced users on trivial matters?

Thanks in anticipation

Mike Wildie


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Re: Help with duplicate copies of records

Hi Mike,

Definitely the right spot to ask these sort of questions.

I have not heard of visits duplicating like you describe before and it is a difficult one to diagnose without some repeatable steps to make it happen.  Unfortunately looking at the resultant history after the event does not usually give any reasonable clues. 

The only thing that I have thought is someone may be charging out through the consult process then deleting the invoice in Customer -> Charges and then adding a new invoice and charging it again ?

Alternatively someone is adding charges through the Consult process and another is not using check-out but going to Customer -> Charges , not using the invoice created at check-in, consult , adding a new invoice with the charges as they think the charges have been lost ?

I think I might need to see an example of the particular patients summary screen and to have some indication of your workflow to provide any further advice .  You can email me the details here if that suits.

Cheers Tony

Re: Help with duplicate copies of records

Hi Tony

This bug has been in v1.6 since October last year: I first reported it in a post when v1.6 beta-2 was released.  I thought it had gone away when I changed routers as it would only happen (so I thought) on wireless connections from cons room laptop to server (  However, it still appeared intermittently. 

The only consistent way to avoid these duplicates on my system is to completely avoid the use of Workflow | Work Lists.  If I work only from WorkLists | Scheduling, it never happens, well hasn't happened in over 4 months and was happening on a daily basis.


Re: Help with duplicate copies of records

Hey Yuri,

Would you also have noticed if by only using the WorkLists | Scheduling scenario if all of your visits are "completed" and none are remaining "in progress"?



Re: Help with duplicate copies of records


Yes, all visits are completed correctly.


Re: Help with duplicate copies of records

Thanks Yuri.

We have used your system today and so far so good!

Do you have any thoughts on how to reproduce the error so it can be fixed?


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