How to do a client mail out based on pet statistics

Hi guys,
I'm after step by step instructions on how to do a mailout to clients who's pets fall within a certain age range (we are inviting pets of a certain age to a clinic promotion).
I have been able to generate a patient activity report with the criteria that I need (age and if they have been in for a vaccination in the last 15 months).
I now need help to export this information into a letter that can be printed with the client and pet details to be sent to the client.

Is there anywhere that has this step by step please?

ie - step 1 - export report and save..... where? how?

step 2 - merge letter and pets in report.... how?


I am presuming I need to put some merge fields in, but how do I collate the 2 lots of information (letter plus client list). I have essentially zero knowledge and understanding of mail merges so please forgive my need for step by step instruction.

Thankyou in advance.

Dr Sarah Trewartha (using Jessica Bird's log in from Eltham Central Vet Hospital).

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Re: How to do a client mail out based on pet statistics

To export the report:

1. Go to Reporting|Reports
2. Select the Patient Activity Export Report
3. Click Run
4. Enter the criteria
5. Press Export
6. A dialog will be displayed prompting to save the Patient Activity Export Report.csv file.
   Save it somewhere you will remember.

Now you can either do the merge in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word.

For OpenOffice, try the following:

For Word:

Note that some OpenOffice guides suggest you can merge from CSV files. This may have been true in the past, but doesn't appear to work in OpenOffice 4.0. You need to use OpenOffice Base to convert the Patient Activity Export Report.csv to a database (.odb) first. The link above demonstrates how to do this.

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