How do I deal with in house use of meds and stock control

We have stock control very well set up - but 4 “unusual” stock uses that I charge out normally but don’t complete ie post an invoice for. It has become clear to me that I should be doing that (posting the invoice) if only to keep our stock control in order. They are these categories:
Vet - Expired Stock
Vet - In House Use (not charged out individually, e.g. Lignocaine anaesthetic spray for feline anaesthetic intubation).
Vet – Donation hampers for community events e.g. School fete, rugby club trivia night raffle.
My personal use – products taken home for my pets.
I don't want to stuff up our financial reporting, so how should I deal with these ?
Discount to zero or reset prices to zero for each item before posting ?
How exactly ? Help !

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Re: How do I deal with in house use of meds and stock control

Jim - others may have better suggestions - however, you could do as follows:

1. Create some dummy customers, one per function, eg:
    zz Vet - Expired Stock
    zz Vet - In House Use
    zz Vet - Donation
    zz Own use

2. create a counter-sale for the appropriate 'customer' for the items concerned and set the prices to zero. (Use a counter sale rather than an invice so you do not have to specify the patient.)

Since the prices are all zero there is no implact on your revenue reports, however the stock will be adjusted.

You can also report on sales to all customers named zz% to show what you have expired/used/ donated/taken home.

Regards, Tim G


Re: How do I deal with in house use of meds and stock control

1.8 has better support for tracking consumables. You include them in a product template, tick the Zero Price indicator and either:

  • tick Print Aggregate - to print the template as an aggregate in invoices; or
  • untick Print - to suppress the consumable from being printed in invoices

1.8 is due out later next week.

-Tim A

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