How to set up a Phone reminder list.....

Hi there can any one inform me how to go about setting up a phone reminders list? i have noticed that when i do my monthly reminders a phone list is generated, can i add to this for example - if i just want to see how a patients is going i would rather phone than send them a letter as our nurses turn over regularly this will help so nobody gets missed?

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Re: How to set up a Phone reminder list.....


Under Administration/ Types, in the drop down choose Reminder Types.  This will show you all of your reminder types and what is created for them when due - letter, postcard, list.

Choose or Add a new reminder type you want the list for, enter the relevant information, when you ADD Templates choose the reminder template you want, but tick LIST - this will stop the letter/postcard being printed and send it to your reminder list.

Remembering the Reminder Count and Over Due interval are both 0 - this means the reminder will be created the date it is due (ie 12 months from vaccination or 3 months from follow - what ever you have set for the reminder interval).  

If you want a second reminder to be set - for example 4 weeks later, you ADD again, choose the template you want to print to - or tick List if you want it on your reminder list and the Reminder Count is 1 and the Over Due Interval is 4 the Over Due Units is Weeks.


Re: How to set up a Phone reminder list.....

Thankyou very much!!!

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