How To topics

The Context Sensitive Help system provides help for most screens, together with introduction, concepts, and reference sections.

There would seem be a need for a 'How To' section that provides recipes for doing various things so that one can understand what steps are necessary.  As with most documentation, this will be of greater benefit to new OpenVPMS users and new staff at existing user practices.

This is being built as part of the 1.8 CSH system - see

You will see that there are currently only two topics, Backup (which is currently just a stub), and Orders & Deliveries.  I plan to add 'New Clients & Patients' (ie the fastest way to add them).

I would appreciate suggestions for other topics to include.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: How To topics

Maybe this should be broken out into Howto for admins and Howto for users/managers

Backup into the admin section

Order / Deliveries into the User section



OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: How To topics


This is a great idea. Some of our suggestions:

- How to correctly use OpenVPMS (i.e. the Check In -> Consultation -> Check Out Workflow)

- How to Setup/Apply discounts (with different scenarios - e.g. product specific, client specific, etc)

- How to create an estimate and convert it to an invoice

- How to take a payment

- How to set up a new worklist

- How to set up a new schedule



Re: How To topics


Q1: do you have any in-house stuff that covers any of the above so that I don't have to construct from scratch?  If so email to me.

Q2: I did the Orders and Deliveries one because our people and a newbie were having difficulties,  and because the action takes place across multiple screens.  However, your last 4 topics seem relatively straight forward - ie call up the screen and do it.  For example - press Alt-F1 on the Workflow|Scheduling screen and you are told to see for background - and at the bottom that says:

Are there gotcha's that are not obvious?

Q3: You will have seen Ben's suggestion about the split into user and admin stuff.  Would you expect that things that all get done in the Administration menus (eg setup a new worklist & schedule [though as per the above, I do think that that is well covered]) should be in the admin section?

Regards, Tim G

Re: How To topics

The admin stuff I was referring too was admin stuff not done within the openvpms APP...


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: How To topics

OK - have done it this way - see

I have done my best with the backup topic - see - I would appreciate you checking and either correcting it or suggesting changes.

Regards, Tim G

Re: How To topics

Looks good Tim.

Some points:

  • With regards to the cold backup approach:

1. backups need to be restored to the same version of mysql

2. the page recommends copying the ib_logfiles as well

  • The replication link points to the MySQL 4.1 release. The minimum should be
  • Backups are only any good if they can be restored. Backups should be periodically tested or restored to a backup server as part of the backup script
  • Backups produced by mysqldump can be huge. To save on disk space, the dump can piped through a compression tool like  gzip, bzip2 or 7zip. E.g.
    • To backup: mysqldump -u openvpms -p openvpms | gzip > dump.sql.gz
    • To restore: gzip -cd dump.sql.gz | mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms


Re: How To topics

Thanks - have adopted your suggestions and added some other stuff.  Regards, Tim G

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