Investigation Process


Would there be a way when using Investigations that the status could be made as preliminary when the blood results import in rather than completed.

We find we have lost them off our prompting to do list.

When we list All which includes the completed the relevant ones seem to be lost and hard to find.

If the imported ones could change to prelim than we would still have a list to refer to for call backs then we can manually complete them or change to relevant status once we are ready.



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Re: Investigation Process

Hi Bernie,

I think this is a very good idea and relatively simple to do.  Will JIRA.



Re: Investigation Process

Hi Tony and Bernie,

Might "Preliminary" suggest that this is an Interim result? Could "Unreported" be more generally applied to both Interim and Final results?

Just semantics I know.

Matt C

Re: Investigation Process

Hi Matt,
We are happy with the best description that you feel fits.
Thanks for looking at this for us,

Re: Investigation Process

Hi Matt and Bernie,

I am just making changes for the next beta release and I wanted to make sure we get the status change correct.

Currenty we have the following investigation status:

In Progress - Sent to supplier no results returned yet.

Completed - Sent to supplier results returned.

Cancelled - Investigation cancelled.

Preliminary - Results returned but preliminary.  Currently no way of knowing if returned results are preliminary or final but in future will get this information.

Final - Results returned and Final.  As with preliminary no way of knowing presently.

In the investigation we also have a reviewed check box which was supposed to indicate that the results had been seen by clinician.

In the Invetsigations workspace we can only filter by status and date.

So do we need to add a new status?

Unreported seems wrong as getting the results indicates some kind of report has been delivered. Maybe change so Completed is Displayed as Received instead.  In order to get off received list would need to change status to one of the other selections i.e Preliminary, Final ?


Re: Investigation Process

Hi Tony,

For us, all we feel we would need is

In progress - sent off

Recieved - results back

Completed - vet reviewed and owners contacted and whatever other steps were needed. This status would be changed manually.



Investigation Process statuses

  • I'm happy with Bernie's statuses, namely;

1. In progress - sent off

2. Recieved - results back

3. Completed - vet reviewed and owners contacted and whatever other steps were needed. This status would be changed manually.

  • I would also include Cancelled as per Tony's list.


  • In our clinic we use a manual system that does this using our worklist tasks for labs. We have found it useful to have an "In Progress" status between 2. and 3. that corresponds to the lab being assigned to a particular staff member. The staff member is not permitted to complete the task until they have successfully communicated the results and plan to the owner.


  • Making the Completed status user updated is a good idea.


Matt C

Re: Investigation Process

I agree with Bernie. And what is JIRA?

Re: Investigation Process

JIRA represents the process that is used by the development team to track bug fixes and our case it means that someone has tasked the problem to be fixed or atleast discussed for fixing.

Take it to mean we are now taking this issue seriously and are developing a fix or repair for it...alternatively we are developing this as a new feature. etc etc


Cheers Ben

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