Investigations display


I have just converted all my Gribbles tests to investigations and they are uploading well. I have a problem now that because they are automatically uploaded, and the archive files only list the results as a string of numbers I have no idea who they relate to without opening the file. If I look in worklists/investigations it only lists the patient names not the client name which, as many have the same patient name is not a help either. I have tried looking for the investigations setup to add a client column but have not found it.


Is it possible to have an additional column with Customer name in this list.


Thank you,



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Investigations display

Hi Nick,

Would need development to add this column to display.  No configuration option I'm afraid ..



Investigations display

 Can't you just click the patient link in the list in the investigations workspace? This will then go through to the patients workspace and then you can get back to the customer workspace from there. 

When you head back to the investigations workspace nothing has changed.

Matt Y.

New Customer column in Investigations workspace

I reckon this is not a bad idea Nick. I have created an active project and sent straight to developers for discussion/review (it is a pretty simple one).

Word of advice though, when projects get created quickly like this and go straight to review (simple ones often), they need their creator (in this case you :) ) to beat the drum, otherwise they tend not to get much in the way of pledges.



Matt C

New Customer columns in Investigations workspace (Update)

Hi Nick and all,

This project has been costed and reviewed by the developers. For a mere $165 this can be a reality!

The idea is to add an additional column with Customer name + description in this list.

Please note, these new columns will not be sortable.



Public pledges can be made to this forum topic or email me directly by clicking here (link only works in the forum).
Development will not commence until fully funded.

Matt C

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