Invoice Item Sort Order


Within OVPMS it is possible to sort items in an invoice by product/date/clinician/etc. This is great. However we were wondering:

1) What the secondary sort order is? Or is there one.

Example. When we check invoices prior to completing them we will often sort by product, but then if we have 5 days of hospitalisation (two items per day) then we are not sure what order these appear in. It would be cool if they sorted first by your selection (i.e. product) and then secondarily by date.

2) When we sort by date or product... then delete an item for example, the view resets to the default. This is irritating if you are on page 3/6 for example and then need to re-sort then scroll back to that page to delete another item or recheck.

It would be really great if:

1) Primary sort order was user selected and then secondary was date.

2) Your sort order and page location was saved when editing an item.

3) You could select or delete multiple items at a time.



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Re: Invoice Item Sort Order

In 1.9 (6891):

  • charge/estimate sort order and selection is preserved when adding and deleting items.
  • the Product Type and Template columns have a secondary sort of item Date
  • other columns have a secondary sort on item identifier

Secondary sorting all columns on item Date has been raised as OVPMS-1713.

Multi-select and delete has been raised as OVPMS-1714.

Re: Invoice Item Sort Order

Cool. thanks, theses changes would all be super helpful.

Re: Invoice Item Sort Order


If "Show Templates" is selected invoice sorting seems to default to being by template (descending).

If "Show Templates" is not selected invoice sorting seems to default to being by date.

Is this deliberate? Some vets are getting confused by this. They expect the default to be by date.

Re: Invoice Item Sort Order

Its deliberate. The assumption being that if you show the Template column, you want to sort by it. The default sort will be by Product Type if that column is shown and the Template column is hidden.

The arrow icon displays which column is currently being sorted on.


Re: Invoice Item Sort Order

Hmmm.... I would be interested to know the opinions of others on this.

For us we would like the template column shown (because we are building templates and want to know if a charge is part of a template or not). However, would prefer the default sort order to be by date... as a single invoice might have multiple templates and non-template items and we charge/sort by date most commonly, esp for multi-day invoices.

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