invoice merge

we have had one of those wierd things happen and now can't print invoices.  where do I find the invoice template to replace it?

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Re: invoice merge

The templates are included in the release in the reports directory.

To load the invoice templates:

1. Go to Administration|Templates.

2. Locate and edit the Invoice

3. Upload the appropriate invoice template from <OPENVPMS_HOME>/reports i.e. invoice a4.jrxml or invoice a5.jrxml

4. Click OK

5. Locate and edit the Invoice Items.

6. Upload the appropriate invoice items template from <OPENVPMS_HOME>/reports i.e. invoiceitems.jrxml or invoiceitemsa5.jrxml

7. Click OK


Re: invoice merge

thanks Tim. I don't have a folder called reports.  Could it be anywhere else?


I go to the S-drive. Then I have a bunch of folders...but no Invoice a4 etc anywhere.

Re: invoice merge

If you can't find a local copy, you can always grab the 1.6.2 release, extract it, and get the templates from the openvpms-release-1.6.2/reports directory.


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