Letters with client merge fields


We want to do a mail out to clients on a certain medication.  I can get their details using the Customer Product Sales Report.

Is there a clever way to merge these names and address into an actual letter?


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Re: Letters with client merge fields

Hi Sandra,

If you use the Customer Activity Export report ( http://www.openvpms.org/customisation/customer-activity-export-report ) you can query by product and get a exported csv file whcih you can then use to email or merge letters.



Re: Letters with client merge fields

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the info!  I've generated the report, how do I convert it to a csv file?


Re: Letters with client merge fields

Hi Sandra,

When you run the report you have the option of Exporting it (i.e use the Export button not the Preview or Print button.  If you do this then it will get downloaded as a csv file which you can open directly with your favourite spreadsheet program or save :-)



Re: Letters with client merge fields

Thanks Tony!


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