Loading multiple Contacts to a client in 1 transform

Can it be done? Is it done using arrays?



etc etc



etc etc

for the postal address for example.


Side notes


Remotely using kettle downsides ? Ie remotely loading data ie Kettle is not running on the localhost.  I was running a transform from home last night which had a lookup in it....3minutes on the first lookup...I ended the trasform and just ran it locally...no issues.


Anyone ever used kettle 4 to parse emails to create docs and drop in to the docloader to automatically add reports from external labs?.

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Re: Loading multiple Contacts to a client in 1 transform

That should work.

You should also be able to do different contact types e.g.:




When you run kettle remotely, its got to send all of the database traffic over the network.

Lookups are cached to avoid too many database accesses. On the first access of a particular type (e.g. lookup.breed) all instances of that lookup will be fetched. I expect this is the delay you are seeing.

Also, when you run the transform for the first time, it has to access the database to load archetypes, so you will see a delay there as well.


With regards to the Kettle question - never tried it but Kettle 4.1 provides an "Email messages input" step which can fetch mails using either POP3 or IMAP protocols. Its not clear if it handles attachments though.



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