Location of custom .jrxml files
Submitted by mckelvey on Wed, 23/07/2014 - 00:47
Hello all,
After recompiling the webapp and pushing it up to the server as a .war file, I had one of those "Oh crap!" moments when I thought that I would probably have to re-upload all of my customized Canadian report templates. I see however that all is well and that the previously uploaded custom templates are still being used. Assuming that the custom templates are stored somewhere when they are uploaded using Administration> Templates> Edit Document Template, I searched the server for their location. Nowhere to be found.
Am I correct in assuming that uploaded custom templates are stored within the db and are immune to changes to the base webapp?
Re: Location of custom .jrxml files
Sam - you are correct. Specifically they are held in the documents file. Even if you threw away your modified jrxml and odt files you could retrieve them by viewing the document template and then clicking on the content link.
Regards, Tim G
Re: Location of custom .jrxml files
One thing to note is that if you re-run the templateload script, it will overwrite existing templates in the database.
Re: Location of custom .jrxml files
OK, thanks!
Well that's just darned convenient isn't it? Awesome.