Lookup - All contact phone numbers


I've had a look through the forums, but can't seem to find a lookup for multiple client phone numbers. I'd like to put them on our forms and the only ones I can find are: [party:getHomeTelephone(party:getPatientOwner(.))] which just gives the home phone number or if there isn't a home phone then the first preferred (ie mobile)

However, most of our clients have a mobile number or usually multiple mobile numbers. I've found this: [party:getMobileTelephone(party:getPatientOwner(.))], which I can't seem to get to work, and most of our clients mobile phone numbers do not have purpose 'mobile' selected, they have 'prefered', nothing, or just random stuff selected.

So, a 'all phone contact' lookup would be great. I've had this before on RxWorks, and can sometimes be annoying for forms if there are lots and lots of contact numbers, but generally clients have 2-3 phone numbers which are useful on a form.

Also, this may be a stretch, but is the a lookup for consult notes or previous history notes? For our admission forms, it would be good if the consult notes for the current visit could be transferred into the form for the hospital staff. Sorry I hate to bring them up again, but RxWorks had a merge field: <previous.history> or something like that, that I had on the consult sheets so the vet had the previous history printed there in front of them.



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Re: Lookup - All contact phone numbers

There is no lookup currently available that returns all the conctact phone numbers.  Such a lookup would require some development.

The questions I imagine that would be pertinent would be 

                1. How do you want the list formatted.  ie flat, vertical, comma delimited...

                2. Would you want some sort of descriptor about each number? if so how would it be formatted. Keep in mind developing this sort of lookup should work for all types of forms. 

From my point of view returning every contact number a client lists is counter-intiutive, the last thing I want my staff doing is trying to work out which of 8 different numbers they should be ringing.  We have some clients with the following, Home, Mum's Mobile, Dad's Mobile, Mum's work, Dad's work, eldest childs mobile, Fax.  Bugger me if I am calling all those numbers everytime I want to speak to someone.  This was the point of the preferred option.  I want to know the most likely number I where i can get the right person to talk to....and we all know there is always a "right" person and a wrong person for every patient.     

I guess as a vet I would want 1 number..I call it..either leave a message if the information is non urgent or if its urgent I can go to a pc bring up a list (with all the descriptions of what goes where) and start trying to track down the right person to talk to.

As far as selecting random stuff I think this gives support to seperating the purposes for contact.phone and contact.location.  Staff selecting a purpose of billing to a mobile number is sort of pointless.

For my two cents from what you describe one of the problems you have is data inconsistency, staff doing data entry are not selecting a number as  a mobile, or clicking random stuff and not selecting a preferred contact.   I would look at this problem first.

As for the second question regarding patient history on an admission form. This is tougher, the only place the medical records are links as an object (I think) is the patient summary.  Currently we can only have 1 item printing from here, the patient summary report.  Not sure how wrangle this one.


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