Macro Expansion in Forms
Submitted by Ben_Charlton on Thu, 21/07/2022 - 12:48
Hey Guys
Can I just confirm that the reason this macro fails if used in document template is because it uses
$patient notation?
Macro 1
@fluidmaintenance |
concat('Maintenance Fluids:',$fluid_maintenance,' ml/hr') |
fluid_maintenance |
expr:if($patient.species='Canine',math:round(number( 132 * math:pow(party:getWeight($patient), (3 div 4)) div 24),0),math:round(number( 80 * math:pow(party:getWeight($patient), (3 div 4)) div 24),0)) |
It fails to expand when used in a form. Works fine when used in a history note.
Re: Macro Expansion in Forms
The $patient variable isn't accessible to reports. The equivalent is $OpenVPMS.patient. In a report however, you want to be careful about using $OpenVPMS variables, as these refer to whatever is currently selected in the application, which may be different to what a report is using.
An equivalent expression for use in reports would be:
[expr:if(openvpms:get(patient:get(), 'species.code')='CANINE', math:round(number( 132 * math:pow(patient:weight(patient:get()), (3 div 4)) div 24),0), math:round(number( 80 * math:pow(patient:weight(patient:get()), (3 div 4)) div 24),0))]