macro Vs expression

In version 1.9 there are alot of areas that allow selection of a macro or an expression. I am confused about the distinction between the two. Don't macros use expressions unless they are predefined variables?

Some examples are the system email templates and the patient reminder sms templates.

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Re: macro Vs expression

Matt - Tim A may want to expand/clarify my answer

Yes macros consist of expresssions.

Yes you can have a macro or and expression in say an email template.

You will want to use a macro (rather than the expression used by the macro) when:

a) you want to preserve common content across a number of templates (since it is easier and more maintainable to invoke the one macro from 4 templates that to have the same expression in 4 templates)

b) you want to invoke a report macro to generate text


Regards, Tim G

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