Macro's Not expanding

So I have 1.5.1 running and I started playing with macro's yesterday to see what ones are implemented by default and setup some new custom macros

I setup one called ex_nad and another coded sxcastration

Both are selectable from  Alt-M, but niether will expand when used in notes.  The default macro's seem to work fine ie 2@bid etc..

Any ideas on what might be going on, I tried logout/login, as I have found with some of the organizational archetypes they arent updated until logout schedules.

My next test would be to restart openvpms(ie rstart tomcat)

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Re: Macro's Not expanding

Are the "words in italics?

Re: Macro's Not expanding

String literals must be enclosed by single or double quotes.

Take a look at the @ley macro (To Left Eye) for an example.

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