Managing Cost of inventory


What are the options for keeping a price list up to date in openvpms?  If in one week I pay $50 for inventory item from my supplier, and then the next week the cost is now $55 does open have the ability to maintain an average cost?

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Re: Managing Cost of inventory

JJ - your login information says you are running 1.8.2 but there was no such release. If you are indeed a real person seeking real information, then you should read through the pages of the Concepts section of the documentation at - in that you will find the Pricing Updates section at and in that a link to the Automatic Price Update option at

Bottom line: yes one can set things up so that if what you ordered from the supplier used to cost $50 but now costs $55, then the sell price of the item will be automatically updated.  HOWEVER - this is not a fully blown average cost tracking system - just a facility for adjusting the sell price to match the cost of the latest purchase from the supplier.

Regards, Tim G

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