merge fields


is there a merge field for due vaccination date for vaccination reminders on open office?


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Re: merge fields

It's in the latest beta: you will find details at


Re: merge fields

Hi Yuri,

have looked at the link and have no idea what i'm looking at. I know how to add merge fields to a letter but can't see any in the link. Ay suggestions?



Re: merge fields

Ralph asked

>I know how to add merge fields to a letter but can't see any in the link. Any suggestions?

The mergefields are at the bottom of that page. I was hoping someone else might have worked out how to use the fields and post a message.  I've spent a bit of time fiddling with it, but I've got nowhere.

For example, I tried using the mergefield - openvpms:get(reminder:getDocumentFormReminder(.), "dueDate") -  in a merge form (adding it to an ODT file with Ctrl-F2), then creating a new document for a patient I'd vaccinated ensuring I'd matched the product with the reminder to the reminder in the patient record, but OV returns an "Invalid Property Name" error.

So I'm stumped (frustrating as I spent a bit of money on it as I really wanted this feature).

Re: merge fields

Sorry - it should be "endTime" rather than "dueDate". I've updated the JIRA comment to reflect this.

In OpenOffice, your field values should look like:

  • [openvpms:get(reminder:getDocumentFormReminder(.), "endTime")]
  • [openvpms:get(reminder:getDocumentFormReminder(.), "")]

In order for the getDocumentFormReminder() function to work, it needs to be used in a template linked to a patient Form (i.e. act.patientDocumentForm).

The form must either:

  • be linked to an invoice item which has reminders. Forms are linked automatically during invoicing when an invoiced product has associated form templates
  • have a product which has reminders


Re: merge fields

That works: it does help to get the correct mergefield............

Re: merge fields

Hi Tim,

could you expand on your explanation a bit. We have vaccinations, obviously, for example one called  "Vacc c5", which has reminders attatched and is invoiced, what patient form would you be referring to?

I have tried putting the above fields in and get "Expression error" for both.



Re: merge fields

For invoicing, the Vacc c5 product needs to have a document template that has a "Patient Form" type. This form (call it "Vaccination Form") has the merge fields in it mentioned above.

The Vacc c5 product should also have a reminder (e.g. "Vaccination Reminder").

When invoiced, the "Vacc c5" product will be examined for documents and reminders; the invoice item will be linked to a new "Vaccination Form" and "Vaccination Reminder".

The "Vaccination Form" will be listed in the patient's Medical Records Summary and Documents. When printed, it will find the corresponding "Vaccination Reminder" using the Vacc c5 product referred to by both the form and the reminder.


Re: merge fields

Hi Tim,

I have tried all the above and keep getting expression error.

Like the others, we wish to add a vaccination due date to our vacc certificate. I have taken the "end time"field value and adding to document ie insert, fields, ctrlZ etc. I have tried adding both lines with and without spaces in between etc

I keep getting expression error. What am I doing wrong?

Vaccination cert are all linked to reminders and invoice item etc



Re: merge fields

Can you attach your template so I can take a look?

Note that this feature is only available in OpenVPMS 1.6.


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