Money Doesn't Add Up


So I can't seem to work out why this customer should not be in credit for $250. Please note this was bought to my attention by someone else and I have closed, opened, etc OVPMS several times so not a refresh/find issue as far as I can tell. Am I missing something obvious?

Also, as far as I can tell the customer doesn't have any notes or alerts so I wonder if a previous issue related to these is happening again?

Running 1.7 (5765)

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Re: Money Doesn't Add Up

Off the top of my head I can't think why that would occur. Typically a balance will only be incorrect if the transactions have been loaded externally.

If you log in as an administrator, you can use the Customer Account Check function to check the balance. I would also get your IT person to check the account and logs to see if any errors have been raised.

Re: Money Doesn't Add Up

Hi Tim,

Thanks you. The Check function reported a mismatch and corrected the problem.

Kind Regards,


Re: Money Doesn't Add Up

This didn't work for us. The Check function reported a mismatch and didn't correct the problem. This message was displayed but nothing happened when OK was clicked, even when logged in as Administrator.

Mismatch in Customer Account Balance.
Expected an Account Balance of $15.50, but current Account Balance is $65.50.
Regenerate balance?

Regards, Mary.

Simon Slater

Registered Linux User #463789 @

Re: Money Doesn't Add Up

Were any of these transactions loaded via migration or have they all been manually entered?

If the former, you may need to revisit the original data and compare it with what has actually been loaded.

If the latter, I can take a look. Take a copy of your database, load it to a test server, and anonymise it as per . This destroys identifying information, so it must be run against a copy. Then upload a backup of the anonymised version to dropbox or similar and send me the link to tma at netspace dot net dot au.

Include the id of the customer.






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