Most Popular Feature requests

I do many demonstrations of OpenVPMS, and have been involved with many OpenVPMS implementations, and I thought I would outline the top feature requests I get from these two groups of users.  Please note I have not included any features that have been delivered in release 1.5 such as Electronic ordering etc.

From the potential new user perspective they are looking to replicate or exceed their current systems capabilities or at least the ones that they currently utilise.  Here are the top features potential users would like to see :

  1. SMS.  General, Reminder and Appointment SMS.
  2. Integrated Visit Editor.  Many users are used to a single screen editor for medical records and charges. The current separation between medical records and charging and not being able to see a combined visit view of this information is an issue.
  3. Procedure Notes.  Although OpenVPMS provides templated products so you can bill multiple products simply it currently doesn't have support for also adding templated medical notes to the visit at the same time.
  4. Batch Appointment blocking.  Ability ot create and mange templated, recurring scheduler appointment blocking entries.
  5. Bulk Price Updates.  A workspace to allow users to do bulk price updating i.e add 10% to all products of product tpe desexing and round to $1.00 etc.
  6. DICOM Integration.  There is a increasing number of practices moving to digital imaging.  They would like to see simplified registration of patients on these devices as well as ability to request display of images diretcly from a PACs server rater than having to import images into OpenVPMS directly. Thi is not a feature many if any systesm have but one that is often talk about in demonstrations.
  7. Automatic Order generation. Although we support reorder reports based on current, critical and ideal levels there is a need for orders to be automatically generated using this information.
  8. Investigations.  Although OpenVPMS support automated electronic receipt of pathology reports and a comprehensive investigation management system people would like to see this extended to allow electronic requesting to internal and external providers.  
  9. Quantity Breaks.  Support for quantity breaks on unit prices.
  10. Batch Management.  Support for product batches.

With practices that have migrated from existing commercial software systems the list has some similarities but priorities do vary.

  1. Integrated Visit Editor.  A big one for people as far as training staff and overall efficiency. 
  2. Procedure Notes.  Again a feature many are used to and improves efficiency.
  3. Batch Appointment blocking. As above.
  4. Batch Price Updates.  Again not used alot but handy rather than relying on extrenal script to do updates.
  5. SMS.  Not critical fature but would definitely like to use.
  6. Product Search.  Ability to search products by type or see in a tree view sorted by type and then name.
  7. Automatic Ordering. As above.
  8. Investigations. as above.
  9. DICOM Integration.  As Above.
  10. Stock Take Improvements.  Ability to export and import stock take information.

As mentioned previously all subsequent releases will be limited to fewer major feature updates so we can get releases out quicker.  I think from these lists we have a number of good candidates for version 1.6 .  Lets discuss , specify and get them underway so the product will suit current users better and be more attractive to potential users.



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Re: Most Popular Feature requests

Hi Tony,

From our 2 months on OPEN I would have to say that the three most popular requests here have been

1. Batch Appointment blocking

2. Integrated Visit Editor

3.DICOM Integration

we are still working on our use of investigations but this would be good too.



Re: Most Popular Feature requests

Hi Tony, good summary .

I would put 1(+email!), 3, 4,5 & 9 as top of my list as major time savers. Automatic orders would be lovely though I have yet to see an accurate enough system that can do this without also generating massive bills and overstocking.

Hopefully we can get enough answers to your suggestions that we can narrow it down to a top 5 or so and at least get fuding underway for those.





Re: Most Popular Feature requests

Hi Tony, good summary .

I would put 1(+email!), 3, 4,5 & 9 as top of my list as major time savers.
Automatic orders would be lovely though I have yet to see an accurate enough
system that can do this without also generating massive bills and

Hopefully we can get enough answers to your suggestions that we can narrow it
down to a top 5 or so and at least get fuding underway for those.





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