New 1.6 snapshot available

I've uploaded a new snapshot of what will be available in the upcoming 1.6 release to:

As it is a pre-release version, it is not ready for production use.

The following JIRAS are included:

OVPMS-998 Streamline charging in workflows
OVPMS-1087 Add "New Visit & Note" button to Medical Records
OVPMS-905 Add email option for print dialogs and ability to send adhoc emails to entities with an email contact
OVPMS-1094 Allow letters and forms to have an "Is Email" property
OVPMS-1088 Change order of Check-In flow so Weight is before Templates and notes.
OVPMS-1041 Display the default location deposit account in the Clear Till dialog
OVPMS-1071 Add support to include reminders in invoices
OVPMS-1113 Detect iPad to force screen resolution to select landscape display,
OVPMS-768 Need function to get reminder information associated with a Patient Form instance
OVPMS-1116 Remove order editor restriction that received + cancelled quantity must be < order quantity
OVPMS-1115 Sort palette items on ascending name and id

Support has also been added for multiple day appointments.

This is the first release to include a subscription reminder feature. If you are already a subscriber, you can request a subscription key by mailing subscription[at]openvpms[dot]org, otherwise follows the prompts.

Please try it out so we can identify any issues.




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Re: New 1.6 snapshot available

1. Subscription works (although i am sure you already knew that), however does it give me some sort of visual indication when I am say 1month prior to sub being due, or even after it expires (I know the password screen gives a warning that you arent subscribed) however maybe turn the top bar (where the logo, Location and user are displayed ) a different colour when a administrator is logged in.    

Just a tip, I know that since setup I have visited my practice workspace approximately never.

A colour system similar to our reminder colours would be neat! 


Alternatively maybe inclued the subscription detail on the help screen this is consistent with other webapps I have used.

Re: New 1.6 snapshot available

Thanks for trying it out Ben.

For active subscriptions, the login screen displays:

      OpenVPMS subscription for <practice> expires on <date> 

For expired subscriptions it displays:

      OpenVPMS subscription for <practice> expired on <date>. Please contact your administrator to renew the subscription 

Adding the information to the help screen is a good idea. Will look to incorporate it in the next snapshot.



Re: New 1.6 snapshot available

It also says something about a Trial Sub for those that have never subscribed

Re: New 1.6 snapshot available

Just got 404 Error: File not found


Re: New 1.6 snapshot available

Try now. I've deployed a new snapshot that incorporates:


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