New Patient Rules / Demographic updates
I'm not familiar enough with eclipse and following the developer docs I get build fails of the unmodified latest revision , so I wasnt sure how to go about suggesting some additions. That being said I am quite comfortable with code.
I didnt try committing changes because I wasnt able to testbuild.
I wanted to add a new demographic update that would set a patient as inactive.
My reasons for requiring such a change are as follows.
In some cases a patient will be set as inactive following a visit and charge.
1. The patient has completed a course of treatment and is returning to his regular vet.
2. The patient is undergoing export to another country and is undergoing a final export check. In this instance the update would occur as the patient was charged the final export visit.
Having a demographic update to set patients as inactive would support this.
my additions to code were as follows:
note:I wasnt sure whether a testcase was needed for invoice creation I didnt see one for setDeceased
Addition at Line 273
/*** Marks a patient as being inactive.** @param patient the patient*/public void setPatientInactive(Party patient) {getPatientRules().setInactive(patient);}
Addition at Line 320
/*** Marks a patient as being inactive.** @param patient the patient* @throws ArchetypeServiceException for any archetype service error*/public void setInactive(Party patient) {IMObjectBean bean = factory.createBean(patient);if (bean.getBoolean("active")) {bean.setValue("active", false);;}}
adding patient testcase
added to base.xml in svn://
<data archetype="lookup.demographicUpdate" code="PATIENT_INACTIVE" name="Patient Inactive" expression="party:setPatientInactive(.)" nodeName="party.entity" />
Re: New Patient Rules / Demographic updates
I've raised this as . I'll apply the changes it in the next week.
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