Next steps to 1.5

Hi All,

Now might be a good time to consider what is wanted in 1.5 now that 1.4 is up and running. In the last while a lot of requests have been raised but have gone no-where due to a lack of interested critical mass.
Below I will list a few that I would like to see getting up and running again some of which I have contibuted to (would it be possible to see what we have contributed to when we log into the openVPMS site so I don't have to keep asking Matt???)
- Email and SMS functionality so that a click on the email address or mobile phone gives you the option to send messages
- Adding in a formattable Copy/Ctrl-C to the appointment scheduler which I did not notice was not included in lead up to 1.4– it would be useful to able to copy multiple appointments across days or weeks for blocking out times or multiple cartrophen appointments etc. As we use the scheduler for consult rooms not vets this way of schedule blocker would worl better for us than the 'calendar per vet' method
- Finalise decisions re saving histories when accessed by multiple users
- Patient / Client search available using ID numbers and ALL contacts including mobile.
- All client contacts visible on summary screen LHS
- Alerts and Reminders visible during consulting process
- Information balloons on appointments always visble no matter where on the screen they are so you do not have to scoll down/up or sideways to see them
- Locked history/note top bar so the navigation buttons remain always useable with scrolling back to the top
- History text filters for searching long histories
- Appointment search by client/patient/reason
- Ability to choose default logon screen – currently comes to customers. I would find it good for each persons messaging to come up as the first session login screen and maybe thereafter to a more used one such as customer or worklist.
- ESCI completion and funding by all interested + pressure on your suppliers as this is a high cost but useful addition

The above are the ones that I can think of for now but might get the ball rolling and get some interest back into some of the topics. Some of the comments regarding topics have become quite protracted and hence I suspect people have lost interest or become confused as to where the topic is heading amongst the chat and IT jargon??

As OpenVPMS is still fairly young it is sometimes difficult to get the funding pledges needed so if you really want something done it pays to keep everyoone energised and interested.

Sorry for my rambling



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Re: Next steps to 1.5 (Melbourne/Victorian OpenVPMS Users group

Hi Nick, Thanks for the email and excellent summary. I'll be keen to see which projects spark some renewed traffic in the forums.

I'm not sure about having current pledges available on the website. Would need to check with our overworked and unpaid web master re creating user accounts. I will send you your current pledges off forum.

On a similar note, I am keen to get as many Melbourne/Victorian users together in a room to do exactly what Nick has done. Share some stories, problems, talk through the current projects (explain them and invite comments in the flesh) and to get a big push to the development effort for 1.5. It is also an opportunity to talk through the current projects and make sure they are what you guys want.

To see if a Melbourne/Victorian OpenVPMS users group, could I have a round of hands (replying to this post or emailing is good enough) of Melbourne/Victorian users that are keen to attend a very informal gathering?

Cheers, Matt C _______________________________________________ OpenVPMS User Mailing List To unsubscribe or change your subscription visit: Posts from this mailing list can be viewed online and replied to in the OpenVPMS User's forum-

Next steps to 1.5

Sandra @ Bellarine

Hi Guys,

Bellarine would be keen to send someone to the users meeting.

I've had a good read of Nick's suggestions above and it prompted me to look at the funding of certain developments.  I notice that the Patient/Client ID Search, the Document Printing at checkout, the Appointment Search, the Seeing Dispensing Units during invoicing and the Adding notes to Payment/Credits, etc are ALL 100% fund and under development. Is it possible to get any idea when these projects will be completed?

I have not been on the forums for ages, so I'm probably not up to date with all the new requests that have been coming through. I plan to have a good read over the next couple of weeks.

I think my requests would be:

1. To get those items that are 100% funded and under development completed, I believe if a clinic has contributed funding  to a development they can be involved in the initial testing/use prior to the official release? Is this still the case?  . 

2 Information Ballon on appointments being visible without scrolling to the right.

3. Locked navigation bar in Patient medical records so you don't have to scroll back up to go to the next page.

4.Email & SMS functionality

5. Support for other document types

One of our vets has just mentioned that her request would be to get the i-report development going

I like Nick's idea about the history/text filters. 

I'm sure there will be more, must have a good read of the forums!




Next steps to 1.5

Hi Sandra,

The funded projects have all been developed and just need to go through preliminary testing before we can release to clinics who contributed funding.

Typically we wait till we can release a beta version of a full release (1.5 in this case) before installing in specific beta test practices although we can install snapshot releases at specific clinics if there are delays in completing a specific project. 

What ends up in the 1.5 release is up to you guys and funding of course but I was hoping to get these completed projects, the ESCI project, SMS and Email enhancements, the Medical Records changes and some other targeted UI enhancements incorporated if at all possible. 

I don't believe development time is the issue, just availability of funding for work that requires a paid developer to complete :-)



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