No currency symbol is appearing on product list - just a little square
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 28/12/2012 - 01:43
Hello. Sorry for two posts in the one day, but this issue has been bugging me for a while as well.
I have set up the currency under "Practice" to be the British Pound (GBP). However, in my product list, no "£" sign comes up. There is just a little square.
Anyone have any idea how to sort this?
Re: No currency symbol is appearing on product list - just a ...
I can configure OpenVPMS to display pounds in Firefox without problems.
What browser are you using?
Re: No currency symbol is appearing on product list - just a ...
A related problem to which I stumbled on a solution in case it helps anyone:
My Ubuntu server was only displaying prices in dollars, despite both browser and opv set to display pounds. This was because the default server language was set to US English. this is how I fixed it:
1. on command line enter "locale" to determine default language to check if this is your problem
2. If the language is say "en_US" and you need GB english, run "sudo update-locale LANG=en_GB.utf8". This should change your language, currency settings etc to GB English.
3. Log out then in again, and recheck OPV - it should display prices in UK pounds.