No document template available for report type: Credit Adjustment


I get this error when trying to print a Credit Adjustment from a Customers-Account page:

"No document template available for report type: Credit Adjustment"

I have the Customer Credit template set to type "Customer Credit" and it is active.  The associated subreport, Customer Credit Items is of type "Subreport" and is also active.   I don't see a "Credit Adjustment" type in the Type lookup of the Edit Document Template window, although the error message would suggest that's what it is looking for.

Any hints as to how I can get this template to be recognized?


Sam L.


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Re: No document template available for report type: Credit ...

Some of the templates haven't been developed yet. You can find a list here:

Re: No document template available for report type: Credit ...

This has been fixed for 1.7.1.

Re: No document template available for report type: Credit ...


I know I am reviving this old thread but it follows. 

We're using 1.7.1 (-1) and I have found both the new Credit Adjustment and Debit Adjustment templates and have customized them.  When I go to load them through the Edit Document Template window, however, there is no Credit Adjustment type or Debit Adjustment type to associate the templates with...

... and I don't see where to make that association.

Does this require an archetype fiddle?



Kamloops, Canada

Re: No document template available for report type: Credit ...

They should be in entity.documentTemplate, as shown below:

    <archetype name="entity.documentTemplate.1.0" latest="true"
               type="" displayName="Document Template">
        <node name="id" path="/id" type="java.lang.Long" hidden="true" readOnly="true"/>
        <node name="name" type="java.lang.String" path="/name" minCardinality="1"/>
        <node name="description" type="java.lang.String" path="/description"/>
        <node name="active" path="/active" type="java.lang.Boolean" defaultValue="true()"/>
        <node displayName="Type" name="archetype" path="/details/archetype" type="java.lang.String" minCardinality="0">
            <assertion name="lookup.local">
                <propertyList name="entries">
                    <property name="act.patientDocumentForm" value="Patient Form"/>
                    <property name="act.patientDocumentImage" value="Patient Image"/>
                    <property name="act.patientDocumentLetter" value="Patient Letter"/>
                    <property name="act.customerDocumentForm" value="Customer Form"/>
                    <property name="act.customerDocumentLetter" value="Customer Letter"/>
                    <property name="act.supplierDocumentForm" value="Supplier Form"/>
                    <property name="act.supplierDocumentLetter" value="Supplier Letter"/>
                    <property name="act.customerAccountPayment" value="Customer Payment"/>
                    <property name="act.customerAccountRefund" value="Customer Refund"/>
                    <property name="act.customerAccountChargesInvoice" value="Customer Invoice"/>
                    <property name="act.customerAccountChargesCredit" value="Customer Credit"/>
                 <property name="act.customerAccountCreditAdjust" value="Customer Credit Adjustment"/>
                    <property name="act.customerAccountChargesCounter" value="Customer Counter Sale"/>
                    <property name="act.customerAccountDebitAdjust" value="Customer Debit Adjustment"/>
                    <property name="act.customerEstimation" value="Customer Estimate"/>
                    <property name="act.patientMedication" value="Patient Medication Label"/>
                    <property name="act.patientPrescription" value="Prescription"/>
                    <property name="act.patientReminder" value="Reminder Report"/>
                    <property name="act.patientClinicalEvent" value="Patient Visit"/>
                    <property name="act.patientClinicalProblem" value="Patient Problem"/>
                    <property name="act.tillBalance" value="Till Balance"/>
                    <property name="act.bankDeposit" value="Bank Deposit"/>
                    <property name="act.customerAccountOpeningBalance" value="Customer Statement"/>
                    <property name="act.supplierOrder" value="Supplier Order"/>
                    <property name="act.supplierDelivery" value="Supplier Delivery"/>
                    <property name="act.supplierAccountChargesInvoice" value="Supplier Invoice"/>
                    <property name="act.supplierAccountChargesCredit" value="Supplier Credit"/>
                    <property name="act.supplierAccountPayment" value="Supplier Remittance"/>
                    <property name="act.supplierAccountRefund" value="Supplier Refund"/>
                    <property name="act.stockAdjust" value="Stock Adjustment"/>
                    <property name="act.stockTransfer" value="Stock Transfer"/>
                    <property name="act.customerAppointment" value="Appointment"/>
                    <property name="act.customerTask" value="Task"/>
                    <property name="act.userMessage" value="Message"/>
                    <property name="CUSTOMER_BALANCE" value="Customer Account Balance"/>
                    <property name="WORK_IN_PROGRESS_CHARGES" value="Work in Progress Charges"/>
                    <property name="GROUPED_REMINDERS" value="Grouped Reminders"/>
                    <property name="REPORT" value="Report"/>
                    <property name="SUBREPORT" value="Sub Report"/>

You don't appear to be using an official 1.7.1 release distribution (the -1 should indicate the subversion revision number). This particular change was made in revision 5942.



Re: No document template available for report type: Credit ...

Thanks Tim...

Aargh... I suppose I can make that change by hand?  Not sure how I have a different version, but given my customizations already, I think I will wait till 1.8 officially launches before making any version changes.



Re: No document template available for report type: Credit ...

Sam - you can do it by hand. Call up Administration|Archetypes - ask it to find %template, then open the entity.documentTemplate one for editing (not viewing).

Click on the 'archetype' field and you should see:

Click on the descriptor.assertion slot to expand it, and then on the descriptor.PropertyList slot to expand that and you should see:

The above is from our 1.7.1 system - so I suspect that act.customerAccountCreditAdjust (and act.customerAccountDebitAdjust - which is on page 2 in our system) are missing in yours.

Just use the Add button to add them.

Regards, Tim G

Re: No document template available for report type: Credit ...

OK... thanks for that approach.  In my VirtualBox test system, I edited the .adl file directly and reloaded the archetypes with ./  That worked well, although I see that I need to better document and move off into another directory the previous archetype edits I made as of course they were all wiped out.  So I'll definitely save my edits before trying to make any changes to the production version.  Your approach above has the big advantage that it doesn't impact on my other changes immediately.

I'm not sure why the version number is screwed up on my OpenVPMS (-1).  I did recompile using NetBeans from the subversion source after making the changes related to the presentation order of medical records.  I suspect that it didn't pick up the version number at that point.  I'm hoping like heck that I'm not running some kind of aberrant system that will totally choke on a future upgrade.  I guess we'll get to that problem if and when we get there!



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