Notes from Services


I think I already know the answer to my question but is there a way to generate a note when a service is charged?

I have had a request that when we charge "Radiology - X-rays" which is listed as a service that OVPMS automatically adds "RADIOLOGY - FINDINGS:" to the most recent note (or a new note in the most recent visit).

This is a simple example but it could be extended for example so we could charge a GA and the note template for this service is automatically entered.



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Re: Notes from Services

There is no support to automatically add a Note at present.

For the radiology case you can create an Investigation Type for radiology and link this to the service. When the service is charged, a new Investigation will be created in the patient history. This has a Notes field. This way you keep the notes with the investigation.

The Notes field is limited to 255 characters, so it may make sense to change this to allow longer text entry.

I think for the GA case, support would be required to:

  • define an optional Default History Note field on the service and medication products
  • when charging a service or medication that has a Default History Note, create a corresponding Note record in the patient history. 
  • if the charge item is removed or changed to a different product, any Note linked to it would also need to be removed



Re: Notes from Services

Hi Tim,

I would prefer the latter option where there is a note that can be created when an item is charged.

I think you would also need an option to NOT create the note when charging. Perhaps a tick box when you charge an item so you can select if the default text is inserted or not. This would prevent double entry of notes if for example you have already written a note about GA and then charged it later.

The other idea that was mentioned that I like increasingly the more I think about it... It would be very cool if macros could also generate charges... So. In my notes I type in a macro "$GA" this auto-expands my General Anaesthesia template but ALSO adds a charge to the latest open invoice for that service! This would improve charge capture and speed entry of notes. Possible or not?



Re: Notes from Services

Actually, one way to do it at present would be to:

1. create a Template product that includes the service you want notes for

2. in the Template product, set the Visit Notes field with the text 

When you invoice the Template, the Visit Notes will be automatically added to the patient history, providing you are charging from the Visit editor.

If you don't want the note, then you would just bill the service directly.

I'm not too keen on the idea of using macros to add charges. If you mistype, you may inadvertently charge the wrong products, and the only way to fix it would be to go into the invoice and remove manually. Thats assuming you notice, in a multi-page invoice.

I think driving the notes from the invoice is a better idea. It could be extended so that Service products have a Visit Notes field as well, to avoid having to create a dummy Template just to generate the notes.



Re: Notes from Services


Yes, the template provides a workaround, however I think it would be better to extend so that service products have visit notes as well. This will mean we don't have to double up on many of our services to achieve this functionality.

In terms of using macros to add charges this was something one of our specialists has experienced in a different system and felt was beneficial to charge capture and note writing. He made the point that people are generally less likely to charge something than write the notes for it, so if you make charging part of note writing then this can improve both.

If we charge something and a note is generated and we charge the wrong thing as in your example we are still going to have to go and delete the incorrect note I presume? Similar problem just in a different direction.

But yes, I agree it would have some issues associated with it!

Re: Notes from Services

I've added a new project to include a Visit Note for service products here:

This mirrors the functionality currently available for template products.


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