Null appears in "Notes" in Tasklist when Checked-In from a Schedule

Hey everyone,

 Happy New Year!

This is something my receptions staff have been asking me lately. When we check in a scheduled appointment into a worklist we get a "null" text added to the Notes field in the newly created Task.

Any idea where there is created?


Matt C

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Re: Null appears in "Notes" in Tasklist when Checked-In from ...

Hi Matt,

Have you setup a display expression on your Worklist ?

If so if there is no notes the expression may be displaying the null rather than a null text being actually in the note.  Often standard string expressions will display an empty string as null so if want to remove need to check for null in expression and display nothing if null and the string if not.



Re: Null appears in "Notes" in Tasklist when Checked-In from ...

Hi Matt and Tony,

One of the vets has asked that the 'null' doesn't appear (I never even noticed it did) on the worklist. I am presuming this is when there isn't a note created first. My display expression is:

concat(substring(openvpms:get(., ''),0,20),' - ',
 substring(openvpms:get(., ''),0,15),' - ',  
 '(',openvpms:get(., 'patient.objectReference')/id,')', '\n',
 openvpms:get(., ''),'\n',

and the null appears in the last line. ie null - vomiting

Do I need to edit an archetype? Which one?

Thanks heaps,


Re: Null appears in "Notes" in Tasklist when Checked-In from ...

This will occur if you create an appointment with a Reason of "None"

If you select an appointment reason, the 'null' won't appear.

You can also make one of the Appointment Reason lookups the default (in Administration -> Lookups), to avoid selecting a reason each you create an appointment.


Re: Null appears in "Notes" in Tasklist when Checked-In from ...

Hey Greta,

I'm not sure where the null appears. I never did manage to hunt this one down. I'm not even sure this happens for us at the moment.

We are version 1.5-beta-2 (4275)



Matt C

PS. I'm going to catch up on my OpenVPMS reading tonight guys so apologies for the spam responses. I will try to keep them to valuable feedback!

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