Only One Reminder per patient per day?

I've vaccinated a dog today with C5 and also administered SR12.  When I go and look at its reminders (both annual), there's only one there.  If I manually add the other, the first one disappears.

The C5 and SR12 are separate products.

Is that expected behaviour or am I doing something wrong?

Do I need a combined product(C5+SR12) for the annual reminder to work?

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Re: Only One Reminder per patient per day?

Hi Yuri,

Check the group associated with the reminder types you are using.  You can see this on the Groups tab.  If a reminder is added (manually or associated with a specific product) it will complete any other reminder with a Reminder Type that belongs to the same group as its Reminder Type. 

BTW they haven't gone just the status has been changed to Completed and the default display on the Reminder tab is In Progress.  If you change the filter to display All, or Completed you will see that they have been completed.



Re: Only One Reminder per patient per day?

I had the C5 with a Reminder Group of "Vaccinations" and the SR-12 had a Reminder Group of "Other".

But once I switched to "All", I found a large number of "completed" reminders as I had been adding them more and more to see what was wrong <g!>.  I've deleted the duplicates and set the remaining two to "in progress" and it looks ok now.

Thanks (again).


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