Open Crashed


our OpenVPMS has crashed, internet is working but when try and log onto Open we get the message

"Unable to connect
          Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ehsbs:8080."

Have rebooted the server but doesn't help, anyone have a solution?


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Re: Open Crashed

Could be any number of things. You haven't provided much information.

Is Tomcat and the mysql server running?

Have you checked the Tomcat logs for errors?

Re: Open Crashed

Has been fixed, 


Re: Open Crashed

Yes, we had the same problem Thursday morning. Apparently due to the i.t. Guy updating stuff! Was that your problem Ralph?

Re: Open Crashed


We are currently experiencing the same problem as you describe above. 

Do either of you remember what you had to do to fix the problem?

Re: Open Crashed


Suggest you restart Tomcat service. In Windows this can be done by clicking Start -> Administrative Tools -> Services and then right clikick Apache Tomcat X.X service and selecting Restart.

If this doesn't help then you may need to check java is working OK.  I have seen some windows and java updates fail or cause issues with java.  To check java operating open a command prompt and type 

 java -version

Should display java version information.  If gives an error or cant find java you have a issue that an I.T. prpfessional will need to look into.

Cheers Tony

Re: Open Crashed


I have restarted Tomcat which did not fix the problem.

In response to command prompt java -version it displayed

java version "1.6.0_35" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_35-b10) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.10-b01, mixed mode, sharing)

so no error message.

Any other thoughts?

Re: Open Crashed

You will need to look at the logs to try and locate the problem.

By default, these are located in the Tomcat installation's 'logs' directory.


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