[OpenVPMS Developers] Possible Memory Leak
Hi developers!
I've recently upgraded our clinic to the new 1.5-beta-2 (from 1.4). Unfortunately, the web application slows down and eventually becomes unresponsive after about 5 hours of use, requiring a server restart (or tomcat process restart).
I've attached catalina.out which includes many "severe notification errors, including a possible memory leak. It also shows an "IOException while loading persisted sessions" which may be related.
More info: Server: Ubuntu 11.04, AMD64, Core i7, 8GB RAM Tomcat version: 6.0.28-10ubuntu2 Apache version: 2.2.17-1ubuntu1 Openoffice version: 3.3.0-7ubuntu2 JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx756M"
Is there any additional information I should provide? Thanks, Damien
PS: is this the correct place to report the error? Or should I have created a JIRA?
Possible Memory Leak
Reporting it here is fine.
We've identified a problem that affects orders and deliveries [1] - are you editing these when the problems occur? A fix has been applied, but it needs to undergo testing.
The other errors in your log aren't all that important as far as I can see, although I do note a few:
OpenVPMS logs to two files, openvpms.log and openvpms-full.log, usually in the directory where you start tomcat. It needs write access to the directory.
will only be a problem if you stop/restart the OpenVPMS webapp repeatedly. If you restart tomcat, you can ignore them.
[1] https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-1067
Re: [OpenVPMS Developers] Possible Memory Leak
Hi Damien,
Can you tell me what your Permgen size is set to ? i.e -XX:PermSize=???m