Our invoice template keeps disappearin g - left with document 1.pdf

Message from sam.snelling@advancedvetcare.com.au sam.snelling@advancedvetcare.com.au



In the last couple of weeks a strange thing has been happening to our invoice
and invoice items templates. Sporadically, the invoice template is switching
from the normal jrxml report to a document called 1.pdf and as a result, it
is impossible to print an invoice. The problem is resolved by uploading the
correct jasper report again however it dettaches within a day or so. 


Any ideas - nothing that I know has changed. 



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Re: Our invoice template keeps disappearin g - left with ...

Are you running the document loader?

If so, then its likely its picking up a document with an incorrect identifier in its name. This is then replacing the invoice template.

I've raised a JIRA to limit the chances of this occurring: https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/ETL-13

The change will be available in OpenVPMS 1.6.


Re: Our invoice template keeps disappearin g - left with ...

Hi Tim,


We are using the document loader to load pathology results into the system - is this what you mean?


I changed the invoice template back to some older versions of invoices that we have used and it appears to have stabilised. Shall keep a look out and await the update.




Re: Our invoice template keeps disappearing - left with ...

Thats what I mean. The document loader extracts the document identifier from the name of the files received from the pathology. If a file has an incorrect identifier in its name, or the document loader hasn't been configured correctly, then this kind of problem can occur.

The document loader moves the files it successfully processes to another directory, so you can verify if you are receiving incorrect identifiers from the pathology.


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