Patient history email "confirm received" option?

Is there an option to select "confirm received" when a patient history is sent via email, for example to a pet insurer?

Context: When patient histories have been sent to PetPlan insurance, they still frequently claim to owners "not received". This is annoying and unreasonable, as some owners understandably get irate with us, especially when we have assured them the information required for a claim has been sent.

NOTE: Thankfully for the majority of pet insurance brands, backed by PetSure, this does not apply as there is a wonderful integration with OpenVPMS.

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Re: Patient history email "confirm received" option?

Or new project / upgrade?

Re: Patient history email "confirm received" option?

There are two standard ways of getting email notifications:

  • Return Receipt - this is sent when a user opens an email.

    This can be automatic, or require the user to click a 'Return Receipt' button.
    It can also be disabled completely.

  • Delivery Status Notification - sent by a mail server when a message is received

    Some mail servers support this, some don't. Gmail doesn't seem to for example.

Return Receipt is probably more useful, but it would require PetPlan to support it. If you manually submit a claim from your email client to them with Return Receipt ticked, do you get a response?

Some mail servers may reject mails if they are too big, but hopefully you would see a failure message sent to the From address.

Re: Patient history email "confirm received" option?

This was a big issue for us at one point in our past.

We came up with two solutions, both outside of the scope of OpenVPMS but recorded here if they are any help for anyone.

1. Self hosted email server

We hosted our own email server and could extract key log lines from the SMTP mail log that would confirm the other email server had accepted the message. This was super powerful but hosting our email server became a headache as we raced (unsuccessfully) to keep our server protected from spam vulnerabilties. 

2. Third party mail sender

We use socketlabs. There are others. They provide a more detailed mail delivery log and alert you if mails are getting knocked back or undelivered. We still use them for some emails that require validation of delivery.



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