Payment option - MPESA

How do i add the payment option MPESA instead of EFT(MPESA is a Kenyan mobile payment which is widely used in my country Kenya).

I have add a custom payment as MPESA , which forces us to use payment option as Other.

This is causing issues with the finance department.


How do we add MPESA as a payment option, is there a way to edit EFT option to read MPESA?


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Re: Payment option - MPESA

EFT is meant to be used for any payment made by electronic funds transfer.

If you want to rename it, you will need to:

  1. log in as an administrator
  2. go to Administration - Archetypes
  3. enter act.customerAccountPaymentEFT in the Search field, and click Find
  4. select the act.customerAccountPaymentEFT.1.0 archetype and click Edit
  5. change the Display Name field from EFT to MPESA
  6. click OK

You will need to make this change each time you upgrade OpenVPMS, as archload command (toolbox archetype --load in OpenVPMS 2.2) will remove your changes.


Re: Payment option - MPESA

Thanks alot, MPESA is actually the main payment here in Kenya:)

Re: Payment option - MPESA


The payment option is displaying MPESA, but on printing statement  its showing EFT as type of payment.

How do i change this to read MPESA and not EFT.

Re: Payment option - MPESA

Most likely you will need to edit the template.

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