Preferred Phone Contacts

One of my staff expressed an annoyance to me that when they add in a new phone number the last number they add automatically gets ticked as "preferred" and thus appears in the summary box on the left of the screen.

This is a little annoying because we generally collect two phone numbers and clients are asked for their primary number first and a secondary number second. So, if the nurse is entering information in the same order as collected on the signup form, unless the receptionist/nurse goes back and re-ticks the primary number as preferred we end up with the secondary number as preferred.

I also noticed our system only allows for one preferred number.

Incidentally this is not what the CSH indicates should happen.

Is this a bug or a back end setting we can change?



Sorry - Forgot to mention. Running 1.7 (5765)

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Re: Preferred Phone Contacts

Adrian - you can fix this.  The behaviour is occuring because when a new phone contact is created it is by default set to Preferred.  Call up the archetype and change the default from true() to false() - see the snippet below.  Regards, Tim G

Re: Preferred Phone Contacts

Hi Tim,

Thanks for that. Worked as advertised!



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