Printing Issues

I am looking for help with two  issues that I am having at a clinic. They are running 1.4.

1.     No financial documents are printing normally, jrxml files are not printing normally. As an example the Tax Receipt It is printing  logo and part of the text in the Page Header Band, but not items or anything in the Summary Band of the document. However if you preview the document it is ok and prints ok from the print preview.

2.     Vaccination Certificates etc are printing ok if printed at checkout but if they need to reprint a certificate from the patient's documents the following error message appears: Could not find a font in the Resources dictionary – using Helvetica instead. This then brings up a document with symbols and “gobbledegook”.

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Re: Printing Issues

1. Have they ever printed normally? Have you tried printing to a different printer?

Are these using the templates shipped with OpenVPMS?


2. The "Could not find a font in the Resources dictionary – using Helvetica instead" looks like it comes from Acrobat Reader [1].

This error can occur if a font used by a PDF isn't available on the computer running Adobe Reader.

It sounds as though you are clicking on the certificate's PDF icon and printing from within Adobe Reader.

As a workaround, you should be able to reprint vaccination certificates from the Patient -> Medical Records -> Documents tab using the Print button.

As a fix, you can either:

  • install the fonts used in the vaccination certificates on the computer
  • change the vaccination certificate template to use a more common font



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