Product Information Page

Dear All,

Our Products have all been put in as a medication type so it will show in medical records.

When working in the product infomation screen.

When you list products beginning for example with "a" and you have columns id, name, description, type, fixed and unit price.

Is there any way that the type column could pick up the type from the type tab under the product information page? Or is there another way I could bring up all the "fluid therapy" to monitor pricing?



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Re: Product Information Page

Hi Bernie,

You are right. 

1) The "Type" column in the Product search dialog is a bit confusing. It refers to the Product Type such as "Medication", "Service", "Merchandise".


2) The "Type" tab in the Product Information description refers to the user defined Lookups that can be assigned to products for grouping and reporting purposes.


So back to your original point, you are asking, would it be possible to search products using their Product classifications (ie. the type 2) above). In short the answer is no... but I can guess this would be useful to you when checking all products of a certain grouping are priced the same or need group updating. Yes? Anyone else use this type of grouping?


Matt C

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