Product - 'linked' dispensing fees

Hi Guys,

Currently we add dispensing fees or injection fees to products as a template under the 'linked' tab. 

However, under 'products' we now have 5 pages of 'dispensing' fees. 

Is it possible to get this problem fixed?? The list is getting longer and longer!!




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'Grouped' Reminders

Hi Tony et al, 


We are very keen to implement 'grouped' reminders. Its a fantastic feature of the software.

We understand that this is probably a job best left for an implementor, but were wondering if Damien could give it a go. Would you be able to point us in the right direction?

If a patient has multiple 'reminders' due, we want to send ONE reminder that lists the treatment the patient is due (eg: proheart, G6, intestinal worming), rather than sending out 3 separate emails or 3 separate pieces of paper.

Any suggestions on where Damien should start? 

Much appreciate your guidance! If it turns out to be too much 'trouble', can you give us more information on what's required to get someone else to help us (eg: how much time and cost involved, can be done remote to Hong Kong, etc).




Re: Product - 'linked' dispensing fees

Hi Amanda,

There are a number of posts on the forums about setting up Reminder Types for grouping.  The more difficult component is just setting up the grouped reminder template as it is not a word or open office document but a jasper report you can setup/edit in iReport.  There is an example post card format template on the site that may help Damien ..

and may be other users will be happy to share their other formats.

Cheers Tony

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