Product Templates, Pricing and Stock Control

Hi there,


I'm just testing OpenVPMS at the moment to see if it s a fit to our practice and the way we want to run it.

I love the customizability of the software, but I have a few questions

How does stock control work specifically with things like vaccines etc.

For example...

Now that we all are starting to give 3yr core vaccines and 12mthly Bordetella/PI vaccines,

Hence I might have a service called C5 Vaccination that needs to deplete my supples of c3 by 1 and BB/PI by 1.  I need to have that seperated because I also have a service called Canine BB/PI Vacc, which would just deplete BB/Pi by one.

The obvious pointer to this was to have a product price template...then have a service called C5 Vacc attached to it with the actual price. then underneath have C3 Vaccine product discounted by 100% and BB Vacc discounted also by 100%, but I sort of thought this wouldnt look great on cost/price anaylsis of product sales of vaccines. 

The same goes for proceedural work which is usually discounted to a set a Spey.

The trouble is i need manual apply the discounts each time I apply the template. 

Is there anyway of setting a fixed price for a product template and either through applying a calculated discount to each item and not listing a line by line item price but just a templated price? or atleast having the option to do this on a line by line basis?


This goes to the core of my second question . Summary and grouping on invoice by service type/product grp etc, rather than in order of charging? Is it possible?




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Re: Product Templates, Pricing and Stock Control

Hi Ben,

To truly manage the vaccine stock you would need to create a template as you indicate and either maintain the indivudual charges on each component in order to have valid sales figures by product or do as you suggest and cope with the skewed sales figures. 

No way to set a price on a template as currently all that happens with a template is it expands to the individual items with the quantities specified and the fact that you used a templaet is not stored anywhere in the invoice.  Could be done I suppose by manipulating the totals on the items to match the end price but sounds like a messy approach.  


To your second question.  We have used templates to group and sort by product type using the sort order field defined in the product type. This works well.  We would be happy to share these with the community.  

You can also do things such as not show the indivual items in a product type group and just display a total. Thsi may help with the combined vaccine issue above i.e show only a total for the vaccine product type so dont see individual components.    As invoice templates are fully configurable this is easily acheived.

Others may have some better ideas ..



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