Product updates with invoice reversal (bug/enhancement?)


We recently ran into an issue where one of our vets logged a euthanasia against a client incorrectly. One  doctor had thought that it was a probable euthanasia, and so created an invoice with a euth on it. A different doctor then carried on with that invoice and ended up finalising it. We have an update on the euthanasia product to mark the patient deceased.

The problem we're having is that we can't delete the euthanasia from the medical record. We tried reversing the invoice (with a credit), but that had no effect. I'm not sure if this is expected functionality. If it is, then there appears to be a bug. If not, does anyone know what the workaround is for this use case? I'm thinking next to try deleting the visit altogether, and recreating the record manually.

Thanks, Paul

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Re: Product updates with invoice reversal (bug/enhancement?)

As you've discovered, invoice reversals won't remove records from the patient history.

I think you're right that it should, but I'll have to think about it some more.

The only way to do it at the moment would be to delete the visit and recreate it.


Re: Product updates with invoice reversal (bug/enhancement?)

Thanks Tim. Will proceed w/ that workaround.


Re: Product updates with invoice reversal (bug/enhancement?)

I think the medication item should be removed, but the invoice item should be retained. For the reversal, the credit item should also be displayed in the patient history.

I've started a new topic related to this on the users forum:

That work for you?



Re: Product updates with invoice reversal (bug/enhancement?)

Yes, that makes sense to me too. Don't want to loose the history of the fact that the invoice was created, then reversed... but want to avoid any confusion in the medical record. Especially in the case of a euthanasia, we wouldn't want that to appear anywhere in the record in the event of an erroneous invoice.

Cheers, Paul

Re: Product updates with invoice reversal (bug/enhancement?)

Re: Product updates with invoice reversal (bug/enhancement?)

Funnily enough this exact problem occured for me today...

I found tho that I could edit customer invoice item in the history (I couldnt delete it)

I could change the product qty and price.



Re: Product updates with invoice reversal (bug/enhancement?)

This has been fixed for 1.7 and 1.6.1.



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