

During our last reminder run the phone listing was NOT printed out. The run has been completed and ok'd.

Is there any way we can get the listing now?


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Re: Reminders

Is there any way I can get a listing now?


Re: Reminders

Not easily unfortunately. One workaround has been discussed here:

I've set up a new project to address this, as it seems to be a recurring problem.

You can find it here:



Re: Reminders

Oh Dear :(

Yes, I think making the reminder processing foolproof would be a good idea.


Re: Reminders

>making the reminder processing foolproof

Ah, but fools can such such geniuses! (quote from Maitani, inventor of the Olympus OM SLR cameras when asked if his cameras were foolproof).

Actually and seriously, I'd like a Save as CSV option on the "Send All" button: it would make printing onto 3-across labels for attaching to postcards a possibility as well as providing a backup if the printer dog "ate my homework".

The current reports for reminders  as CSV are unsuitable as the address field has the phone number attached, making it useless for mailing labels.


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