Report for client yearly expenditure


Is there a report that will allow us to see how much money individual clients have spent over a particular time frame or that will easily search our client database to see who has spent (for example) greater than $1000 this financial year etc.

We are looking at a particular loyalty program but need to be able to generate these sorts of details.

Also, on the Clients page there is a tab called categories. Currently we have nothing in this tab, and I am unsure of it's functionality.  Is there a way we could utilise this to highlight our top clients, or classify them in some useful manner? What do others use this for?


Kimberley Earl

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Re: Report for client yearly expenditure

Hi Kimberley,

You will find two reports in the shared resources area that may be of help.

The Top Client Sales report allows you list the top clients by sales for a specified period and limited to the number of clients you want.

The Top Client Sales Export report does the same but in an export format so you use the details for mail merges etc.



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