Report for product categories

Just wondering if there is any way to create a product report for stocktaking based on the product Categories? I know that you can report by product type, however with the transfer of data from the previous Vetaid system, almost all products have been placed in the medication product type.

If I could create a report which was for example only those products in the "antibiotics" category that would be fantastic! Any ideas?

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my mistake

I should just correct myself, by categories, I mean "Classifications"

Report on product type

Hey there,

Definitely possible. Just a bit of work to

a) assign your products

b) then someone to modify one of the exisiting reports to allow grouping or filtering by product classification.


With respect to b) someone may donate the report or I'm happy to give it a try. I reckon it will take 3 hours for me to write and test it (i'm slower then Tim and Tony!) and I ask for a $75/hr donation to an active project of your choice in return once a successful report has been written! Cheeky aren't I!



Matt C

Report for product


I may have done it about face and whether it will cause problems later will wait and see - comments?


I set up series of  new product Types (3) assigning each product to Consult room, Waiting Room, Surgery, Sundries etc. I have further  assigned them to other Types such as Food, antibiotics etc. - so some products have 2 or more types associated with them.

This allows me to use the Stock take Valuation reports, Pricing Reports already in place and by entering Food in type I get a list of food in stock. Similarly I can list everything out front by putting in Waiting Room.

Only thing to watch for is if you dont specify a type and try to produce a list of all thats in the clinic some products appear twice.

Therefore I print a report for each of Consult room, Waiting Room, Surgery, Sundries and add the totals if doing a full stock take.


I would wait for comments though before copying my method in case it causes problems further down the track.


Regardless some poor sod, will need to go through the 1000 + products and assign a type or classification if you go that way.


The ideal would to be able to make mass data changes like this to be able to export all product (or what have you) to a spread sheet, alter them, then reimport to the database would make life easy but I dont think this a feature as yet - not at a user level anyway.

Or better yet this could be done within the program with a workspace allowing editing of a list of products and their attributes without having to enter each individual product to make an alteration.

Cheers Geoff

Report for product

Hi Guys,

The only issue I see with assigning multiple product types is discounting.  In OpenVPMS discounts can be assigned by product type and product and then compared to the discounts on a customer and /or patient during billing to work out what to apply as an automatic discount.

The other issue may arise when we implement product type filters into the product search dialog.  Then again may be an advantage ..

I think the preference is to utilise Classifications and make a small change to the report to allow you to specify a Classification is this and potential other product reports as Matt suggests.  Not difficult to do.

Like the idea of a donation to project of choice Matt :-)



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