report query issue
Submitted by dadmin on Wed, 24/07/2013 - 22:44
I am trying to modify the supplier reorder report to use the neverOrder and alwaysOrder properly. I am using the following query but it is not showing me all the results which I expect and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
Can anyone see where I am going wrong here?
selectstockLocation,supplier,productId,product,reorderCode,reorderDesc,nettPrice,max(current) as current,max(ideal) as ideal,max(critical) as critical,packsize,max(orderSize) as orderPackSize,sum((orderedQty-receivedQty-cancelledQty)*if(orderSize is not null, orderSize,packsize)) as onorder,ceil((max(ideal) - (max(current) + sum((orderedQty-receivedQty-cancelledQty)*if(orderSize is not null, orderSize,packsize))))/packsize) as toorder,neverOrder,alwaysOrderfrom(selectstockLocation.entity_id as stockLocationId, as stockLocation,supplier.entity_id as supplierId, as supplier,product.entity_id as productId, as product,currentqty.value as current,idealqty.value as ideal,criticalqty.value as critical,packageSize.value as packsize,neverOrder.value as neverOrder,alwaysOrder.value as alwaysOrder,preferred.value as prefSupplier,reordercode.value as reorderCode,reorderdesc.value as reorderDesc,nettprice.value as nettPrice,orderDetail.quantity as orderedQty,receivedqty.value as receivedQty,cancelledqty.value as cancelledQty,orderpackSize.value as orderSizefrom entities productjoin entity_relationships productStock on product.entity_id = productStock.source_id and productStock.arch_short_name = "entityRelationship.productStockLocation"left outer join entity_relationship_details currentqty on currentqty.entity_relationship_id = productStock.entity_relationship_id and = "quantity"left outer join entity_relationship_details idealqty on idealqty.entity_relationship_id = productStock.entity_relationship_id and = "idealQty"left outer join entity_relationship_details criticalqty on criticalqty.entity_relationship_id = productStock.entity_relationship_id and = "criticalQty"left outer join entity_relationship_details neverOrder on neverOrder.entity_relationship_id = productStock.entity_relationship_id and = "neverOrder"left outer join entity_relationship_details alwaysOrder on alwaysOrder.entity_relationship_id = productStock.entity_relationship_id and = "alwaysOrder"left outer join entities stockLocation on stockLocation.entity_id = productStock.target_idleft outer join entity_classifications productgroup on productgroup.entity_id = product.entity_idleft outer join lookups grouplookup on grouplookup.lookup_id = productgroup.lookup_idjoin entity_relationships productSupplier on product.entity_id = productSupplier.source_id and productSupplier.arch_short_name = "entityRelationship.productSupplier"left outer join entity_relationship_details packageSize on packageSize.entity_relationship_id = productSupplier.entity_relationship_id and = "packageSize"left outer join entity_relationship_details preferred on preferred.entity_relationship_id = productSupplier.entity_relationship_id and = "preferred"left outer join entity_relationship_details reordercode on reordercode.entity_relationship_id = productSupplier.entity_relationship_id and = "reorderCode"left outer join entity_relationship_details reorderdesc on reorderdesc.entity_relationship_id = productSupplier.entity_relationship_id and = "reorderDescription"left outer join entity_relationship_details nettprice on nettprice.entity_relationship_id = productSupplier.entity_relationship_id and = "nettPrice"join entities supplier on supplier.entity_id = productSupplier.target_idleft outer join participations productParticipation on productParticipation.entity_id = product.entity_idleft outer join acts orderLine on orderLine.act_id = productParticipation.act_id and orderLine.arch_short_name = "act.supplierOrderItem"left outer join financial_acts orderDetail on orderDetail.financial_act_id = orderLine.act_idleft outer join act_details receivedqty on receivedqty.act_id = orderLine.act_id and ="receivedQuantity"left outer join act_details cancelledqty on cancelledqty.act_id = orderLine.act_id and ="cancelledQuantity"left outer join act_details orderpackSize on orderpackSize.act_id = orderLine.act_id and ="packageSize"left outer join act_relationships orderLink on orderLink.target_id = orderLine.act_id and orderLink.arch_short_name = "actRelationship.supplierOrderItem"left outer join acts orders on orders.act_id = orderLink.source_idleft outer join act_details deliveryStatus on deliveryStatus.act_id = orders.act_id and ="deliveryStatus"left outer join participations stockParticipation on stockParticipation.act_id = orders.act_id and stockParticipation.arch_short_name = "participation.stockLocation" like $P{Product} = 1 and( like $P{Stock Location} or is null) like $P{Supplier} andif($P{Classification} = "%",( like $P{Classification} or grouplookup.lookup_id is null), like $P{Classification}) andpreferred.value = "true" andidealqty.value <> "0.00" and(productParticipation.act_arch_short_name = "act.supplierOrderItem") and(orders.status = "POSTED" or orders.status is null) and(deliveryStatus.value <> "FULL" or deliveryStatus.value is null) andstockParticipation.entity_id = stockLocation.entity_idunion allselectstockLocation.entity_id as stockLocationId, as stockLocation,supplier.entity_id as supplierId, as supplier,product.entity_id as productId, as product,currentqty.value as current,idealqty.value as ideal,criticalqty.value as critical,packageSize.value as packsize,neverOrder.value as neverOrder,alwaysOrder.value as alwaysOrder,preferred.value as prefSupplier,reordercode.value as reorderCode,reorderdesc.value as reorderDesc,nettprice.value as nettPrice,0 as orderedQty,0 as receivedQty,0 as cancelledQty,packageSize.value as orderSizefrom entities productjoin entity_relationships productStock on product.entity_id = productStock.source_id and productStock.arch_short_name = "entityRelationship.productStockLocation"left outer join entity_relationship_details currentqty on currentqty.entity_relationship_id = productStock.entity_relationship_id and = "quantity"left outer join entity_relationship_details idealqty on idealqty.entity_relationship_id = productStock.entity_relationship_id and = "idealQty"left outer join entity_relationship_details criticalqty on criticalqty.entity_relationship_id = productStock.entity_relationship_id and = "criticalQty"left outer join entity_relationship_details neverOrder on neverOrder.entity_relationship_id = productStock.entity_relationship_id and = "neverOrder"left outer join entity_relationship_details alwaysOrder on alwaysOrder.entity_relationship_id = productStock.entity_relationship_id and = "alwaysOrder"join entities stockLocation on stockLocation.entity_id = productStock.target_idleft outer join entity_classifications productgroup on productgroup.entity_id = product.entity_idleft outer join lookups grouplookup on grouplookup.lookup_id = productgroup.lookup_idjoin entity_relationships productSupplier on product.entity_id = productSupplier.source_id and productSupplier.arch_short_name = "entityRelationship.productSupplier"left outer join entity_relationship_details packageSize on packageSize.entity_relationship_id = productSupplier.entity_relationship_id and = "packageSize"left outer join entity_relationship_details preferred on preferred.entity_relationship_id = productSupplier.entity_relationship_id and = "preferred"left outer join entity_relationship_details reordercode on reordercode.entity_relationship_id = productSupplier.entity_relationship_id and = "reorderCode"left outer join entity_relationship_details reorderdesc on reorderdesc.entity_relationship_id = productSupplier.entity_relationship_id and = "reorderDescription"left outer join entity_relationship_details nettprice on nettprice.entity_relationship_id = productSupplier.entity_relationship_id and = "nettPrice"join entities supplier on supplier.entity_id = like $P{Product} = 1 and( like $P{Stock Location} or is null) like $P{Supplier} andif($P{Classification} = "%",( like $P{Classification} or grouplookup.lookup_id is null), like $P{Classification}) andpreferred.value = "true" andidealqty.value <> "0.00") as tmpgroup by stockLocationId, supplierId, productIdhaving (current + onorder) <= critical and toorder > 0 and neverOrder != "true" and alwaysOrder = "true"
Matt Y.
Re: report query issue
Matt - I am afraid that the following is not very scientific. I did the following:
The one that worried me was the last line where you had:
My product has alwaysOrder = false
The CSH text at [I copied the logic from the Jira] does not match your logic - which is if alwaysOrder false then don't order - and hence the difference between the Generate output and your SQL.
Regards, Tim G
Re: report query issue
To debug it, try commenting out the having clause and see what the query returns for current, onorder, critical, toorder, neverOrder, and alwaysOrder.
Then add them back into the having clause one term at a time, to check that each term works as expected.
Note that the Stock Reorder Report has been updated recently as it was not excluding inactive relationships. You can find the update here:
-Tim A
Re: report query issue
Thanks Tims,
You have steered me in the correct direction.
It turns out I have a whole heap of products where the neverOrder value is null so these weren't getting picked up. I thought if I said neverOrder != "true" it would pick up false and null values but it appears that is incorrect.
my having clasue is now:
having (current + onorder) <= critical and toorder > 0 and alwaysOrder = "true" and (neverOrder = "false" or neverOrder is null)
Thanks again,
Matt Y.
Re: report query issue
Tim A - can you please clarify the algorithm used by the Generate Orders processing. In the CSH text (which I cloned from the jira), I have:
The order quantity used by the system to generate orders (when the Generate button on the Suppliers|Orders screen is pressed) is as follows:
This logic would appear to differ from Matt's logic in that for Matt:
[Note that the use of the 'projected stock' is problematical - the last stock control system I built (admittedly 25 years ago) used this, but the algorithm also included current usage rates and supplier lead times. The very simple 'if it's already on order, don't order more' approach is quite acceptable provided that: a) usage rates are low; b) lead times are short; and c) there is a reasonable pad between the ideal and critical stock levels.]
Regards, Tim G
Re: report query issue
The Generate Orders support doesn't use the alwaysOrder and neverOrder at present. It replicates the behaviour of the original report, as per and
I think you may be referring to which hasn't been implemented.
-Tim A
Re: report query issue
Tim A - you are correct. I have adjusted the CSH text to say as follows:
The algorithm used by the system to to calculate the order quantities (when the Generate button on the Suppliers|Orders screen is pressed) is as follows:
Calculate predicted stock P = current stock + qty on order and not yet delivered or cancelled Let I = ideal quantity, C = critical quantity If P <= C, then order (I - P)
Note that the above algorithm does not use the Always & Never order check boxes (but this is planned for a future enhancement). Also the algorithm is more complex than the above because it also takes into account the supplier's package size.
Regards, Tim G