Reporting discussion

Our practice would like to start monitoring the financial information in a more meaningful way and start tracking different KPIs (key performance indicators) to allow tracking of different programs we are introducing.

I am sure that there are probably many things that we could track to help us manage the practice better (not sure what they all are) and I am suggesting that if there are other people in this situation that maybe we could organise discussion or maybe even a seminar with a guest speaker? where people can workout which reports are worth formulating and also develop a plan for developers to write them, with funding of course.

An indication on how many people may be interested in this would be good, so I can work out how and when and where to organise it.

When I have discussed this issue with others in the past, most people have said that they are currently not tracking very much as it was either too hard, took too much time to think about, or they were inundated with changing all the other things about Open VPMS or other areas of their practice. Our practice now feels that our Open VPMS is at a stage where we ahould be able to start looking at these things, and with global economic issues, this may be a good time to look for early warnings?

Anyway, no time like the present, so if anybody is interested, please post here, otherwise I will just crawl into my thinking cave and try to work out what reports I want, but I am sure that multiple heads are better than one, and I think that developing the reporting suite will benefit the whole community.


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Reporting and business analysis

Hi Amanda,

Sorry I haven't seen this one sooner. It is perhaps very related to this discussion OpenVPMS Business Analysis Tookit and I see you have already registered your interest in the project (Reports forum).

I think business analysis can be a very cloistered or private undertaking for many business owners. I think the development of a suite of KPIs is a great idea. I think many clinics (especially those who already do this analysis might already have their own ideas of what KPIs they would monitor. Whether what we all measure is the same or confidential or otherwise, I think you raise a good point that it is time to mine some of the very robust data OpenVPMS has been collecting.


Thats why I would encourage everyone who this discussion appeals to, to register your interest for the above development project. A reminder that we are seeking to hold a web conference for Tony to demonstrate some of the third party reporting/modeling tools that the development will allow use of. Currently the seminar is scheduled for late this month. I will announce some date options on the 10th of July based on further registrations of interest.




Business Development

You can put me down for an interested party , Matt. I have long been trying to get info out of the database.



Stock Control & Pricing

Having gone through the end of financial year stocktake and valuation the system seems to have performed well (other than telling me I hold too much stock as usual!). 

Order receipting and inventory updating also seem to be accurate though manually cumbersome.

The main issues as I think have been reported before are:

- The need (in many areas of the program) for a split page of products (documents, clients, patients) with an information section below for editing so that you do not have to continually 'select' the product or product type - you can just choose the next item from the list above.

- An automated price update system for services - I currently do mine twice a year but I know some clinics do it monthly. I have just spent hours updating each item. A system where you could just choose the product 'type' to adjust it by  +/- x% would be easier or at the least the above split screen so each consecutive item can be chosen. A spreadsheet export/import as being discussed in the Data comments would also do it.

- The stocktake entry was a bit time consuming having to subtract the reorted stock from the counted stock - it would be easier if it could just accept the counted stock and make its own calculation - less prone to human mathematical errors



Re: Stock Control & Pricing

Hi Nick,

I agree with the need for a different workspace for mass editing. Specifically useful for product, lookup and type editing.

Sorry about the stock adjust/transfer workspace. My fault as it was really not designed for stock takes but more for "generic" adjustments and transfers. Given this is the only place adjustments can currently be made you where forced to utilise it and do the calculations as described.

I very much like the idea of having a special button to export the current stock take list with current stock values and then allow import which would create the necessary adjustment entries based on the differences. I think the other benefit of this approach is the imported data would have the existing current stock quantity and could be compared to the latest in the database and the adjustment modified to take into account sales/receipts since the export occurred. I don't believe this is a difficult enhancement and would greatly simplify the stock take process. My only slight concern with exporting into a spreadsheet for example is once out you cannot gaurantee product and stock locations ar enot updated although we could lock these cells.

Also think mass price changes using export/import is a good idea although again have concerns about making sure product and price id's not accidentally modified which could invalidate the imported data. I expect not hard to circumvent. May still be best to develop a special price update workspace though ...

Cheers Tony

On 4/07/09 5:01 PM, "Paradisevets@Internode. Net" :

> Having gone through the end of financial year stocktake and valuation the > system seems to have performed well (other than telling me I hold too much > stock as usual!).  Order receipting and inventory updating also seem to be

> accurate though manually cumbersome. The main issues as I think have been

> reported before are: - The need (in many areas of the program) for a split

> page of products (documents, clients, patients) with an information section > below for editing so that you do not have to continually 'select' the product > or product type - you can just choose the next item from the list above. - An > automated price update system for services - I currently do mine twice a year > but I know some clinics do it monthly. I have just spent hours updating each > item. A system where you could just choose the product 'type' to adjust it by  > +/- x% would be easier or at the least the above split screen so each > consecutive item can be chosen. A spreadsheet export/import as being discussed > in the Data comments would also do it. - The stocktake entry was a bit time

> consuming having to subtract the reorted stock from the counted stock - it > would be easier if it could just accept the counted stock and make its own > calculation - less prone to human mathematical > errors

  Nick _______________________________________________

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Business analysis financial report information required

I am very interested in this feature. The key information we require is as follows. These are financial indicators routinely

used by business analysts like ValuVet:

  1. New Financial Report :

We require computer generated reports to include printouts of a 3 year trend analysis (2 previous financial years and

12 months Year to Date) for the following parameters:

  • Total number and value of invoices

  • Income by vet and sales by other staff (Service x Vet)

  • Income by animal type per vet (Species x Vet)  

  • Income by service activity (ie. Professional fees, drugs, hospitalization, laboratory, radiology charges etc…)

  • Mileage travelled in practice for each vet (N/A for many small animal practices)

  • Details of separate merchant & OTC sales if available

  • Number of active clients in each year and 12 months YTD of this year

  • Number of new clients in each year and 12 months YTD of this year

  • Number of ‘retained clients’ for the immediate past 12 months compared to the same previous 12 months 

For preference do not include GST in any of the above reports.

3 vital KPI's are: # Active Clients, # invoices and $ value of invoices (ex GST) Active clients are those clients who have visited in the designated time (ie. last 12 months) and spent money. Regarding Retained, Returned and New clients - this is a widely used report but it goes like this: New clients are self explanatory Retained clients are those who come in each year Returned clients are existing clients who came in 2008 but missed 2007 or a number of years before that - these are not your best clients as a rule. We look for 60% plus Retained clients, 20-30% New clients and as low as possible % Returned clients

Business analysis financial reports

Cheers Jim,

This could pretty much form the beginning list of reports that might be a product of the Toolkit being discussed.


Incidentally for everyone interested in the webinar previously discussed regards the Business Analysis Toolkit, I will chat with Tony and finalise a date for August. I will be in touch to those who have expressed an interest very soon.


Matt C


We could also use as a basis MPV consulting performance survey data - requirements available from

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