Reprinting Reminders

Hi Everyone,

I have a small problem, one of the nurses has clicked out of our vaccination reminder printing after it had finished printing and not checked the printed reminders. Our ink cartridge has run out half way through printing, i know you can reprint them but only if you havent gotten out of that page. Is there any other way of printing them.

Thanks Danielle

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Hi Danielle, Sorry for the

Hi Danielle,

Sorry for the late reply to this request.  Didn't get a email notification I believe so missed it.

The only way to reprint/resend reminders once you have finalised the reminder processing is through the reminders tab on each individual patient.  Select the reminder and click Resend.  You can choose the reminder number (count) you wish to resend and also which contact to use (post, email etc)

If you have your reminder report for that run you can find the patient names etc.

Think it might be good to have a report that details what reminders where sent on a specific date/time (every reminder has a last sent date so we could list them for you).  Another nice addition would be the ability to view sent reminders in the reminders workspace and have ability to resend (a bigger development project that would need to be funded of course).



Hi Danielle, What I do is I

Hi Danielle,

What I do is I have a laptop or work station setup with a standalone copy of Openvpms to allow me to test bits and pieces and avoid messing up the real practice system. In a situation like yours I just use mysqladministrator to drop the openvpms schema . Say NO when it asks whether you want to drop the associated schema privledges (else you'll need to setup the base database again) and restore from the clinic openvpms backup from the day before. Takes 5 minutes.

 I then can print the reminders as they stood the night before to a printer attached to this redundent setup. (remember to chuck any that were actioned since the backup you used).

Maybe helpful if your reminder run is large else as Tony advises do them singly - a task for your errant nurse.

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