Schedule-AppointmentType/Worklist-TaskType translation

Can anyone tell me what what is meant to happen when one checks in a patient from a scheduled Appointment Type AAA and adds them to a worklist - what is the TaskType meant to be set to?

I expected something like: if AppointmentType = AAA and chosen WorkList has a TaskType AAA, then use this task type, else use default TaskType for that WorkList and if no default set, ask operator what to use.

However, the logic seems to be: if there is a default TaskType, use it, otherwise pick another (using some logic that I cannot figure out).

So - what is meant to happen, and do we have a bug? [I am using 1.6b3 build 4901.]

Regards, Tim

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Re: Schedule-AppointmentType/Worklist-TaskType translation

There is no relationship between appointment type and task type.

When you select a work list, the default task type for that work list will be selected. If there is none, then the first available task type will be selected.

This doesn't appear to be sorted, so if there is no default task type, and there are multiple task types for the work list, then you could get a different task type each time.

-Tim A

Re: Schedule-AppointmentType/Worklist-TaskType translation

Tim A - thanks for your clarification.

However, I have a fix for my problem - see

Regards, Tim G

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