Schedule Times



Is there any way to block days on the scheduler, say when the practice is closed on Sundays? 

And can we have different hours for saturday than during the week?

If so, how would I set this up?


Many thanks,



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Re: Schedule Times

Hi Sharon,

You should be able to achieve this once the next version (1.8) is released. As far as I am aware this will have functionality to create reoccuring appointments.

I am not sure if this will let you shade out times. However it will let you create a reoccuring appointment every sunday that says for example "clinic closed - no appointments" so that people can't book times on these days. So you will be able to achive what you are looking for.

I would note the reoccuring appointments feature has been funded by other members of the community to the tune of $6800. So if you feel this is something useful or necessary to you I am sure it would be appreciated if you were to make a contribution towards OVPMS development so this and other features continue to be added.

Check out for other projects that are looking for funds to be able to be developed.

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