Scheduling & Worklist column headings

Below is a typical scheduling screen for us. You can see that because we display a lot of data, most entries require three lines. Even when restricting the schedule time to just say 'Morning', the display will normally scroll the column headings out of view.

We would like to have things changed so that the column headings containing the schedule names are part of the non-scrolled area at the top of the screen so that they are always visible.

The same change also needs to be made to the Workflow|Worklist screen.

Comments/Feedback appreciated.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: Scheduling & Worklist column headings

Last time I looked, the fixed table heading support in the echo2 framework didn't work. It may be a case of writing a new table component, or biting the bullet and upgrading to echo3 where the table support is better.

Re: Scheduling & Worklist column headings

I have been looking at echo3....its a big change - because it pushes a lot of processing client side - uses a lot more does it affect the use of extremely thin terminals?

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