Selecting visits to include on a printed medical summary
We would like to propose and solicit feedback for a new project.
We are often sending sending way more information than is needed when printing medical summaries for referrals. One example is a pet that has chronic skin issues being referred to a dermatologist for specialized care. Instead of printing all visits between certain dates, or visits one at a time, we would like for there to be a way to select which visits to include, in this case, just those related to his/her skin condition.
My vision would be for check boxes to be added to the left portion of the window when the print button is hit. A user could then go through and check off the boxes for the needed visits. If no boxes are checked, everything would print. I think it would made summaries much more concise and professional in appearance if implimented.
Thanks, Alan
Re: Selecting visits to include on a printed medical summary
this is an excellent idea. Filtering by dates is sometimes fiddly and problematic.